2022,    № 3 (51)    


     Matyuk N.S.,      Polin V.D.,      Ananyev A.A.

Effectiveness of herbicides in the destruction of weeds and carrion of spring rapeseed in the link of the crop rotation of spring rapeseed - spring wheat in the conditions of the Tula region


     Kondratenko Y.I.,      Aniskina T.S.

Evaluation of uniformity of seedlings of Achillea millefolium and Achillea ptarmica in cassette cultivation


     Zubkova T.V.,      Vinogradov D.V.,      Balabko P.N.,      Gogmachadze G.D.

Increasing the yield of spring rapeseed in the conditions of the Central-Chernozem zone of Russia


     Masterov A.S.,      Lupova E.I.,      Karaulny D.V.,      Plevko E.A.

Results of testing varieties of winter triticale for 2019–2021 in the conditions of the north-eastern part of Belarus


     Ladyzhenskaya O.V.,      Kryuchkova V.A.      Donskih V.G.

The influence of various drugs on the germination of seeds of Caucasian rhododendron (Rhododendron caucasicum Pall) and yellow rhododendron (Rhododendron luteum Sweet)


     Naumtseva K.V.,      Vinogradov D.V.

The use of herbicides in the production technology of white mustard seeds



      Ermakov S.Yu.,       Tikhonova M.V.,       Zhigaleva Ya.S.,       Ilyushkova E.M.,       Seregin I.A.,       Stepanov A.V.

Assessment of ecological functions forest ecosystem in the conditions of a metropolis (on example of the Forest experimentation station of the RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazev


      Aleksandrov N.A.,       Gvozd V.K.,       Dzhancharov T.M.,       Stepanov A.V.

Ecological assessment of the qualitative characteristics of lawn grasses on urbanized sod-podzolic soils under the conditions of the Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazev Ecological Station


     Tsapovskaya O.N.,      Kozlov A.V.,      Pyatova A.A.

Ecological assessment of the influence of copper on the growth and development of spring wheat plants


     Andreev L.N.,      Yurkin V.V.,      Tarasov V.V.

The identification of classroom’ dustiness in the Engineering technology institute



     Savich V.I.,       Naumov V.D.,      Tazin I.I.,       Kamennykh N.L.,       Polyakov A.M.,       Oreshin A.V.

Effect of soil organic matter on their acid-base and redox state


      Gorokhova S.M.,       Vasiliev A.A.,       Shchurenko N.M.

Heavy metals in the magnetic phase and nodules of the agricultural soils


     Savich V.I.,       Naumov V.D.,      Gukalov V.V.,      Tazin I.I.,       Kamennykh N.L.,       Polyakov A.M.,       Oreshin A.V.

Humus state and microbiological activity of soils with excessive moisture


     Savich V.I.,       Naumov V.D.,      Sorokin A.E.,      Tazin I.I.,       Kamennykh N.L.,       Borisov B.A.

Information and energy assessment of the humus state of soils


     Kurachenko N.L.,      Ulyanova O.A.,      Vlasenko O.A.,      Kazanov V.V.,      Kazanova E.Yu.

Nutritional regime of agrochernozem of the Kansk forest-steppe during the cultivation of spring rapeseed for oilseeds


     Kayugina S.M.,      Eremina D.V.

On the issue of territorial heterogeneity of the exchange acidity of gray forest soils of the Northern Trans-Urals


     Gorbunova N.S.,      Gromovik A.I.,      Devyatova T.A.

The content of natural radionuclides 40К, 226Ra, 228Th in the chernozems of the Kamennaya Steppe Reserve


     Moskvina N.V.

Urbostratozems of residential multistorey districts of Perm: formation, transformation and assessment of the ecological state



     Luginina E.A.,      Zaramenskikh A.A.

Ecological-coenotic characteristics and resource potential of Coltricia perennis L. in southern-taiga subzone of Kirov region


     Sazonova I.A.,      Erohina A.V.,      Pronina V.I.

The influence of biological products on the processes of ensiling and the energy value of succulent feed from grain sorghum and amaranth



     Sudakov A.N.,      Andrianov E.A.,      Andrianov A.A.

A complex for monitoring the state of livestock and mechanization for poultry houses in household plots


     Pirogov S.P.,      Chuba A.Y.

Development of the theory of oscillations of manometric tubular springs


     Dimoglo A.V.,      Kozlov V.G.

Experimental evaluation of the operation of fuel pumps of gas-diesel internal combustion engines using hardware, software and diagnostic complexes "Gazodiesel-Pro" and "MT Pro 4.1"


     Shekikhachev Y.A.,      Dzuganov V.B.,      Hazhmetov L.M.,      Mishkhozhev V.K.,      Tkhagapsova A.R.,      Mishkhozhev Kan.V.

Improving the technology and technical means of using biological products in the processing of crops


     Dimoglo A.V.,      Kozlov V.G.

Investigation of the energy characteristics of the use of natural methane in the gas-diesel process of an internal combustion engine


      Khrameshin R.A.,      Volkhonov M.S.,      Khrameshin A.V.

On the issue of studying the kinetics of the process of starch adhesion to the working surface of equipment in the production of potato products



     Turov A.I.

Repair of silo walls



     Kasyan P.V.,      Shevchenko M.V.,      Voyakin S.N.,      Dubkova E.S.

Application of a frequency-regulatory electric drive to reduce the operating costs of auxiliary needs of the GRES


     Surinsky D.O.,      Karnauhov K.A.

Methodology for calculating energy-saving measures in the protection of agro-industrial complex from pests


     Khrameshin A.V.,      Firus K.O.,      Spiridonov A.B.,      Anisimova K.V.,      Dolgovykh O.G.

On the issue of improving the technology and process of operation of household sewage treatment plants


      Lipkovich I.E.,       Ukraintsev M.M.,       Egorova I.V.,       Petrenko N.V.

Organizational safety bases in the repair of electric motors under conditions of the agro-industrial complex


      Lipkovich I.E.,       Ukraintsev M.M.,       Egorova I.V.,       Petrenko N.V.,       Golovinov V.V.

Safety basics when installing electrical wiring in hazardous area


      Nasybullin A.R.,       Stepura A.V.,       Valyarov M.E.,       Shakirov R.F.,       Efimov V.A.,       Sagdieva A.R.

The use of microwave radiation for pre-hatching stimulation of poultry eggs
