Personal information



Maxim Valeryevich,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Electric Power and Electrical Engineering, Far Eastern State Agrarian University,

Dubkova E.S.,
Evdokimov V.G.,
Gorbunova L.N.,
Izhevskij A.,
Kasyan P.V.,
Khudonogov I.,
Kozlov A.V.,
Kurkov Yu.B.,
Kuznetsov E.E.,
Linenko A.V.,
Reshetnik E.I.,
Samuylo V.V.,
Shchitov S.V.,
Voyakin S.N.,
Yanchenko A.S.

Application of a combination of physical fields to increase the planting quality of soybean seeds
Shchitov S.V., Kuznetsov E.E., Voyakin S.N., Evdokimov V.G., Samuylo V.V., Kurkov Yu.B., Shevchenko M.V.
         2023,    N 5

Application of a frequency-regulatory electric drive to reduce the operating costs of auxiliary needs of the GRES
Kasyan P.V., Shevchenko M.V., Voyakin S.N., Dubkova E.S.
         2022,    N 3

Biotechnological requirements for obtaining health tea from medicinal plants
Khudonogov I., Izhevskij A., Shevchenko M., Voyakin S.
         2019,    N 1

Diagnostics of power transformers by vibration examination
Voyakin S.N., Shevchenko M.V., Linenko A.V., Yanchenko A.S.
         2020,    N 3

Intensification of the use of electrical equipment in order to optimize energy resources in floor-type chamber dryers
Kozlov A.V., Shevchenko M.V., Gorbunova L.N., Dubkova E.S.
         2021,    N 2

Investigation of the possibility of regulation and automatic optimization of the control system of a chamber grain dryer
Kozlov A.V., Shevchenko M.V., Gorbunova L.N., Dubkova E.S.
         2021,    N 4

Reducing energy costs with active ventilation of grain mass
Shevchenko M.V., Voyakin S.N., Reshetnik E.I., Shchitov S.V., Kuznetsov E.E.
         2021,    N 4

Use of energy indicator in evaluation of methods for pre-sowing treatment of seed material
Shevchenko M.V., Shchitov S.V., Kuznetsov E.E., Voyakin S.N.
         2022,    N 1