Personal information



Renat Ravilevich,
candidate of techn. sciences, associate professor of chair " Theoretical mechanics and material resistance», Izhevsk state agricultural Academy,
office tel.: +79042791052,

Arslanov F.,
Faizullin M.,
Ivanov A.,
Korepanov Yu.,
Kostin A.,
Martushev A.,
Mokhov A.,
Nikolayev V.,
Potapov E.,
Shklyayev A.,
Shklyayev K.,
Spiridonov A.,
Vakhrameev D.

Application justification and calculation of a heat accumulator for the prestarting operation for a tractor engine
Potapov E., Vakhrameev D., Arslanov F., Martushev A., Korepanov Ju., Chakirov R.
         2019,    N 2

Investigation of the movement of a spherical tuber by the working member of a disk flat-plate potato sorting. Message 1. Determination of the initial conditions for the spherical motion of the tuber
Shklyayev A., Ivanov A.. Shklyayev K., Shakirov R., Kostin A., Spiridonov A.
         2018,    N 2

Investigation of the movement of a spherical tuber by the working member of a disk flat-plate potato sorting. Message 2. Investigation of the spherical motion of a tuber
Shklyayev A., Ivanov A.. Shklyayev K., Shakirov R., Kostin A., Spiridonov A.
         2018,    N 2

Study of the process of closed composting of litter manure by the method of artificial aeration
Ivanov A., Faizullin M., Chakirov R., Arslanov F., Nikolayev V., Korepanov Ju.
         2019,    N 2

Theoretical and experimental determination of power the drive of the drum mixing and dosing device
Mokhov A., Ivanov A., Kostin A., Shakirov R., Spiridonov A.
         2019,    N 1