2024,    № 1 (61)    


Trofimov V.N., Trofimova O.V.

Average weighted estimate of health of forest trees as a criterion for the sanitary condition of a stand

The issue of using a weighted average assessment of the health of trees condition Kср as a criterion for the sanitary condition of a stand on the example of spruce and birch forests. Based on the growth tables, Kср developed for five categories of tree health status with differentiation of results by age groups and assessment methods (by stock volume or by number of trees). It showed that exceeding Kср of 1.5 is not a sufficient criterion for the unsatisfactory sanitary condition of the stand. For a stand with natural thinning by age the estimations Kср are increase from Ia to V quality of locality and are decrease with age groups. The estimates Kср by number of trees may exceed similar estimates by stock volume by 0.1-0.3 points. For a young and middle age of healthy stands with natural thinning, the evaluations Kср usually exceed 1.5 points. Proposed the criteria Kср with the differentiation on age groups and assessment methods. As rough criterion of unsatisfactory sanitary state it is possible to accept excess of average weighted of estimations (on a stock volume/on number of trees): Kср :in middle-aged stands - 1,7/2,0, in ripening stand - 1,5/1,7, in ripe and maturity and old-growth stand 1,2/1,4.