2023,    № 5 (59)    


Polyakova N.V., Kulagina N.A., Polyakova A.A., Kupriyanov M.A.

Influence of humidification conditions and relief of the central floodplain of the Kudma river on the dynamics of ORP, the content of amorphous iron and mobile phosphorus in alluvial swamp drained soil

The influence of relief and humidification conditions on the redox potential, the dynamics of the content of mobile phosphorus and amorphous iron in alluvial swamp drained soil has been established. In the depressions of the floodplain, the soils were characterized by an increase in humidity by 5-10% relative to the elevated relief elements and OV potential at the level of 260-355mV, in the depressions the ORP values were 1.3–1.6 times lower (193-232mV). The content of amorphous iron in the alluvial drained soil ranged from 5304 to 7159 mg/kg and depended mainly on soil moisture and the level of ORP, to a lesser extent on the reaction of the soil (R2=0.85). A close negative dependence of the content of available phosphorus with amorphous iron was established, while on elevated relief elements the content of mobile phosphorus was critically low in all observation periods – 3.5–2.3 mg/kg, which is 5-10 times lower compared to floodplain depressions. The dynamics of phosphorus over the observation periods was determined mainly by redox conditions and iron content (R2=0.80).