2022,    № S1     


Zakharova L.N., Narakhaev M.T.

The use of natural zeolites as feed additives for milking cows in the economic conditions of Central Yakutia

In the conditions of Yakutia, the stall period of cattle continues 8-9 months, which causes necessary to pay special attention to providing animals with full feeding. Spring frosts in June and autumn frosts in August shorten duration vegetation of forage crops, restrict the terms of cleaning time, affect the chemical composition and feed nutritional value. In dry years, feed in all zones of Yakutia is deficient in calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. In the republic, in the development feed rations for dairy cows and other animals, zonal features are taken into account, where, due to severe natural and climatic conditions, feed production opportunities are restricted and, what is most important, their assortment is very poor. The main feed for cattle in the winter stall period is hay and in most cases a small amount of juicy and concentrated feed. Crops such as fodder root crops, gourds, fodder cabbage, potatoes are not used. According to the generally accepted method of the accepted classification, this type of feeding is called voluminous or voluminous dry, because juicy feeds constitute a small specific gravity in the ration. Currently, in the farms of the republic, the most full-fledged type of feeding that contributes to increasing milk productivity and improving the physiological states of cows is hay-concentrate with the inclusion of silage. The use during production of milk of predominantly coarse and concentrated feeds poses a number of questions to zootechnical science, for example, about the structure of the ration, type of feeding, proportion of concentrated feed. In the article given a way to increase the biological usefulness of the rations of milking cows, in one of the Central districts of Yakutia, with the use of additional mineral feed additives (zeolite).