2020,    № 4 (42)    


Chashchin A.N., Vasilev A.A.

Using remote sensing data to characterize the soil cover of cultivated fields (Perm Region, on the example farm «Pravda»)

The article presents the results of assessing the agricultural use of soils of the farm «Pravda» in the Oktyabrsky district of the Perm region. The purpose of the research is to assess the soil cover of cultivated fields based on remote sensing data and large-scale cartographic materials. The structure of the soil cover was estimated by the contrast ratio of the soil cover only within the boundaries of arable fields, which were identified according to the remote sensing data of Sentinel 2. A vector soil map of the cultivated fields was made because of vectorization of the soil contours on the basis of a large-scale soil map (M 1: 10000). The analysis of the influence of the contrast of the soil cover on the fertility of arable land was carried out based on the spectral index NDVI, which was calculated from the images characterizing the summer period with the largest growing season and the period of emergence of spring and winter crops, respectively, according to the spring and autumn images. The influence of the contrast of the soil cover was found on the degree of variation in the NDVI index. The contrast of the soil cover has the greatest effect on the heterogeneity of winter crops