Personal information



Eugenij Borisovich,
candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, Timiryazev Moscow Agriculture Academy,

Alilov D.,
Andreeva I.V.,
Buzylev A.V.,
Ibrahem M.,
Komarova T.,
Minaev N.,
Morev D.V.,
Ramadan R.,
Sodomtseva A.V.,
Tikhonova M.V.,
Vasenev I.I.

Assessment of redox reactions of bottom sediments of the Ugolchik pond by autography on photo paper
Tikhonova M.V., Buzylev A.V., Taller E.B.
         2023,    №5

Comparative assessment of the ecological state of Timiryazevsky district forest park zones in Moscow
Andreeva I.V., Morev D.V., Taller E.B., Vasenev I.I.
         2021,    №6

Development of large-scale digital model of automated soil-agroecological mapping in case of representative landscapes of the Vladimir Opolye
Minaev N., Buzylev A., Taller E.
         2018,    №3

Ecological assessment of the Large Garden pond water quality in the Moscow Agricultural Academy territory
Ramadan R., Taller E.B., Vasenev I.I.
         2022,    №1

Ecological assessment of the succession dynamics in soil carbon stocks and CO2 fluxes in centenary sequence of fallow lands in the Central Forest reserve
Komarova T., Vasenev I., Alilov D., Taller E.
         2018,    №3

Ecological assessment of the variability of the herbaceous cover composition by contrasting elements of the mesorelief at the Forest Experimental Station of the RSAU-MTAA
Vasenev I.I., Ibrahem M., Taller E.B.
2023,    №4

Monitoring of the condition and distribution of pure white-water lilies on the lakes of the Khopersky State Nature Reserve
Sodomtseva A.V., Taller E.B., Buzylev A.V.
         2023,    №5