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Alexander Vasilyevich,
doctor of biol. sciences, managing chair, Belarusian-Russian university, (Republic Belarus),

Ageeva T.,
Fadkin G.,
Gogmachadze G.,
Nesterenko A.,
Shapsheeva T.,
Valko O.,
Valko V.,
Vinogradov D.

Agroecological features melilotus albus in conditions it is radioactive the contaminated territories of Belarus
Shchur A., Valko V., Vinogradov D., Gogmachadze G.
         2016,    N 1

Agroecological influence is a lot of hay crop legume-cereal mixtures with annual ryegrass overseeding for accumulation organic residues, their nitrogen content and soil structure
Shchur A., Valko V., Vinogradov D., Gogmachadze G.
         2016,    N 2

Dynamic processes of the maintenance of free soil amino acids at various levels of agrotechnical influence at cultivation Fodder peas-oats-ryegrass mixes in the conditions of Belarus
Shchur A., Vinogradov D., Gogmachadze G., Valko V.
         2014,    N 3

Ecological community structure of soil invertebrate animals of the forest in terms of radioactive contamination of the Republic of Belarus territory
Shchur A., Valko V., Vinogradov D., Gogmachadze G.
         2016,    N 3

Ecological features mikrobiotes in the conditions of radioactive contamination in Republic of Belarus territory at application of biologically active preparations
Shchur A., Vinogradov D., Gogmachadze G.
         2016,    N 1

Migration of nitrogen in the "fertilizer-soil-plant" under the influence of continuous application of fertilizers
Fadkin G., Vinogradov D., Shchur A., Gogmachadze G.
         2015,    N 4

Nanocrystalline iron powder as a component of modern technologies of creation of forest cultures of pine
Fadkin G., Vinogradov D., Nesterenko A., Shchur A., Gogmachadze G.
         2015,    N 5

Radioecological risks and their reduction in agro-industrial complex of Mogilev region Belarus Republic
Shchur A., Vinogradov D., Ageeva T., Shapsheeva T., Fadkin G., Gogmachadze G.
         2015,    N 5

Radioecological effectiveness of biologically active drugs in the case of Belarus
Shchur A., Vinogradov D., Valko V., Valko O., Fadkin G., Gogmachadze G.
         2015,    N 5

Radiological features of migration of Cs-137 in vegetation in forest ecosystems of the Mogilyov area of Belarus, affected from the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
Shchur A., Vinogradov D., Valko V., Fadkin G., Gogmachadze G.
         2015,    N 4