Personal information



Alexey Petrovich,
doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor, head of Department of agriculture, Don state agrarian university,

Arhipov A.,
Bocharnikov A.,
Chernenko V.,
Dudnik V.,
Goryachev V.,
Mokrikov G.,
Parasockij A. Prokopchenko V.,
Shestov I.

Cultivation of winter wheat on the basis of resource-saving technologies in a zone of risky agriculture
Avdeenko A., Chernenko V., Shestov I., Goryachev V., Bocharnikov A.
         2015,    N 4

Effect of agrochemicals on productivity of sunflower
Avdeenko A., Prokopchenko V.
         2019,    N 2

Efficiency of application of foliar dressings on corn
Avdeenko A., Dudnik V.
         2019,    N 2

Efficiency of inter-row processing in the cultivation of mid-early corn hybrids for grain
Avdeenko A., Dudnik V.
         2019,    N 2

Improving the technology of cultivation Linum usitatissimum in the zone of risky agriculture
Avdeenko A., Shestov I., Mokrikov G., Arhipov A.
         2015,    N 6

Increase the productivity of corn in its biological production
Avdeenko A.
         2018,    N 3

Perfecting of technology of cultivation of sunflower in a zone of risky agriculture
Avdeenko A., Chernenko V., Shestov I., Goryachev V., Bocharnikov A.
         2015,    N 5

Sunflower productivity when using biological products of domestic manufacture
Avdeenko A.
         2018,    N 3

The effectiveness of herbicides at cultivation of linseed in conditions of the southern zone of the Rostov region
Avdeenko A., Parasockij A.
         2019,    N 1